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Time oh Time ⏰

Whats the Time? ⏰

The aspect of telling time is so important in today's generation. We are so reliant on our smartphones that we have loss the ability to actually look at a clock and tell the time. 

As an adult myself I wish my teachers were able to focus in and develop our skills of time telling back when I was in elementary school. 

 Grade Level: 2nd Grade 

Content: Time Telling 


Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step "how many more" and "how many less" problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in which each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets.

Here is a video  from Khan Academy, that breaks down the elements of telling time and gives different examples of telling different time slots. 

When it comes to telling time , the teacher must break down every aspect of telling time. Some students may need a break down in order to fully connect to the subject matter they are being taught.  So i find it appropriate to start with a worksheet that starts with telling time by the hour then lead up to the half hour etc. Below are worksheets that break down telling time. 

A interactive game could be an assessment for a teacher to see if their students truly understand the material.  Here is a game that can be done with your students after learning  the basic of how to tell time. 

Reflection : 

As I reflect on this topic I would say a goal for myself in the telling time topic is to make sure that my future students fully understand this material but can also tell time when asked in real world situations. I remember not being able to grasp this concept during my time as a elementary student but I do feel that the material of telling time was very rushed and not broken down enough. So my plan as a future teacher who may teach this material is to break down each element of telling time starting simple with telling time by the hour and working my way up the ladder. I would use games , worksheets and differently manipulate such as telling time clocks to show the student how they can read the times given to them. I believe it is so important to bring back the aspect of telling time on analog clocks instead of having students read digitally. 


  1. Hey Darlyn! I think this is such an important topic and it could possibly be looked over with today's world have so many digital clocks. However, it is such an important skill that all kids should now, I even know some adults who still can't tell time on a standard clock. I really like the interactive online game that you provided, because it is fun and it makes the students really understand the topic. I also thought the worksheets were simple for 2nd grade students to follow.

    I think one thing that could enhance this, I know they talked about it in the YouTube video you provided, but I think you could focus on this in a worksheet or an activity- is really emphasizing what the small hand means vs. what the big hand means. That is something I always remember forgetting as a kid. I think it would be really cool if you could come up with an acronym or something for students to remember the difference between the big and the little hand. I'm thinking something like SHABM- pronounced like "SHABAM!!"The students would then learn S- small hand H-hour A-and B-big hand M- minutes. I am not sure- maybe you could come up with something better than that, but just an idea! Great work!

  2. Wonderful work Darlyn. I like how you connected the work to the standards and highlighted an interactive game to review the concepts.


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