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Let's Start With The Basics... 😊

Let's Talk About Numbers... 😊

Numbers are involved all aspects of mathematics , especially in all grade levels.  So I felt that it is important to start with numbers, in particular counting.

As a young girl math was defiantly not my strength. I struggled a lot with simple math content because of how my teachers taught me in the past.  However, I do remember how my kindergarten teacher made it a point to make learning fun and engaging.

In this blog entry I am reviewing the topic of counting and how to incorporate fun elements to learning how to count from the kindergarten grade perspective. 

I find it vital to make sure that younger children get up, move around,  and stretch their bodies.  I found this video , which  incorporated counting to 20,  helpful in starting a lesson on counting to 20.

I also find giving young children short activities, like a Do Now activity, helps students start their day on a fun note but also get their brain moving at the same time.

Write numbers from 0 to 20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-20 (with 0 representing a count of no objects).

At the kindergarten age children love to make things to bring home.  In this teaching resource I found a activity that went along with a lesson plan to help children understand counting. It also incorporated a fun activity to exhibit their understanding of counting to 20.

Displayed below are the number cards and number line:  

Self-Assessment :   I think my goal with this content is to understand how to engage children in learning how to count in a fun yet educational way. I vividly remember as a child learning to count numbers by counting out loud , tracing, and coloring . I would also like to explore how I can use manipulative to help the understanding of counting to my students . I want to also figure out how to help those students who may struggle with their pronunciation and how I can incorporate a different teaching technique to help them effective pronounce the numbers they are counting in the lesson. 


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